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Calvert County Public Schools Northern High School Replacement

Dunkirk, Maryland

Engineering team for the Northern High School replacement project. COA Barrett has been involved from the feasibility stage completed in March 2012 and will continued through construction administration. The project consists of a three‐story 196,000 gsf high school and associated site improvements including new bus loop, parking lots tennis courts and plaza. Design plans include multi‐phased demolition and Erosion and Sediment Control along with storm drainage, stormwater management, gravity and pressure sewer system and water distribution system. The stormwater management requirements for the development based on 2010 MDE regulations will be satisfied by over twenty micro‐bioretention areas and a 150,000 gallon rainwater harvesting cistern to be utilized for athletic field irrigation. The COA Barrett provided guidance and design expertise to obtain LEED points to assist in achieving the required LEED Silver Certification.