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Great news! The County Planning Commission unanimously approved the redevelopment plan for Pax River Village Center (also formerly known as Millison Plaza).
The goal of the plan is to revitalize the southwest corner of the intersection just prior to Gate 2 of the Patuxent River Naval Air Station.
The Plan
Working with Atlantic Realty Group and Bigwaha Architects, multiple conceptual layouts were analyzed for the area, which includes an existing shopping center, a hotel/motel site, and a small office building.  Our team determined that the first step is the complete removal/demolition of the hotel/motel, the small office building on Three Notch Road, and the existing bank — as well as a portion of the existing office building at the corner of Three Notch Road and Shangri-La Drive.
After demolition, the next steps include:
  • Rebuilding the center in a more modern style, adding:
    • an Aldi’s grocery store
    • a Starbucks with a drive-thru
    • potentially 2 additional fast-casual restaurant tenants; and
    • additional retail space
  • The existing bank will be replaced by a drive-thru ATM
  • An internal drive connecting two previously separated parking lots and the additional of storefront parking will be included, while maintaining and promoting pedestrian access
  • Two access points will be removed on Shangri-La Drive — and two access points will be removed on FDR Boulevard — to enable safer vehicular movements and even help to reduce traffic slightly
The Benefits to the Community
In addition to helping to address the perceived “food desert” issue in the community with a new grocery store, the center will add space for retail sales and a take-out food establishment. The overall outcome is designed to provide multiple benefits for the area:
  • The redevelopment will concentrate commercial development primarily in the Lexington Park Development District.
  • The plan will result in more efficient use of land through redevelopment of existing
  • parcels and structures.
  • It will foster and enhance a sense of community while remedying negative conditions in existing developed areas.
For more information, contact us today!

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